Sunday, May 10, 2015

Pastel Garden Fantasy Update

Last week I considered my pastel finished but after I looked at it for a while I realized I had some areas I wanted to rework I didn't like the right side of my stream it looked a little too unfinished so I added in some plants coming in of the page I worked a little bit on the water I went back in an added some lighter areas around my trees. I added some ground cover in between more of my rocks so did it look a little more natural and just touched up a few areas that I didn't think either had enough color or were not bright enough. It is okay to go back in re-work the painting if you not satisfied with it, just be sure to have a plan when you do because if you go in trying to find something that doesn't need to be fixed you're only going to ruin it. However, I saw areas I thought we're lacking and I had to re-work those parts of my painting rather than destroy what I already was satisfied with.

Another thing I did is I have color that was close to the color of my paper and I went in around the edges of my painting with that color and just blended colors of the things that were there with this paper color and then vignette it out into the color of the paper to give it a more ethereal look and that was it this time I think it really is done. So have something new to paint in class and I will help you get started keep painting and I will see you next time.