Sunday, April 19, 2015

Spring 2015 Pastel Week 3

Pastel Garden Fantasy week 2

I wanted to be sure that I had my underpainting well established in my pastel before spraying. I added more colors into the side areas that suggests trees. In the red tree I added some orange as highlight to suggest the tops of branches and I added the suggestion of another green tree in front of it. I made sure I had all of my pine tree and the background behind it established and then I started in with some lighter colors to start the highlighting process. Once I had all of that done then I sprayed my painting.

When the spray had dried I started working on the pagoda. I used warm shades of gray, some lavender and a soft ochre color. The pagoda and the rock it sits on are very warm in tone so I wanted to be sure that the colors I used were very warm yet on the grey side.

In the stream I used some of my cooler (blue) greens to under paint the water. I will go back and add other blues and greens later, this was just the under painting.

I also found color in my pastels that was similar to the color of my paper and in some areas along the outside edges I blended this into those colors that were there and smeared them together so they fade out into the margins better.

I also under painted the pine tree's trunk and branches with a darker warm grey it wasn't a dark grey more like a medium dark grey so that I can come back in with darker colors to suggest bark and texture on the tree. I have not sprayed my painting again I still need to do some work before I will spray my painting again and this is where I left off.

Try to get your paintings to this point in class so we can continue. Be sure to have your reference photos where you can see them and refer to them often. Keep painting and I will see you in class.

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