Sunday, February 21, 2016

Winter 2016 Pastel Class

Winter 2016 Pastel Project: Week 5 Cozy Cottage

In the last class I really didn't do much more that go over my painting to see where I could add contrast or a bit of detail here and there just as each of you should finish your own projects to suit you. If it feels done then let it sit for a few days without looking at it then look at it again with fresh eyes, if something jumps out at you then fix it, otherwise call it done.

Below are a few things I worked on to make my painting seem finished to me. If you have finished with your project you will need to find something to work on for the rest of the semester and I will help you get started.

This was the previous week

This was last week, I brightened highlights and darkened shadows
as well as added some suggestions of detail

I added some warmer more golden grasses but only where I thought
they might be in the sunlight.
Previous week. I couldn't see the separation between the
foreground and the background.

I added some shadows behind the front post and snowcap
to shape and define it better.

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