Sunday, October 23, 2016

Fall 2016 Pastel Class Week 5

Pumpkins on Parade - Week 1

Pastels work up surprisingly fast for me, yes, this is only the first week I have managed to get all of my pumpkins under painted and started on some of the detail. I am working on a black sanded piece of mat board.

The orange pumpkins are mostly done at this point with a warm mid tone burnt sienna in the lighter areas working to a darker sienna and finally to dark brown and indigo with even a touch of a dark purple in the shadows. Once I had my colors down I blended from the light to the dark to smooth and blend my colors.

The lighter pumpkins were handled much the same way, finding lighter and shadow colors that matched the base color of the pumpkins (worry about the detail later) then blending once I had the colors down. Always be aware of the curves of the  surface of these pumpkins and follow them with your chalk and when blending.

The blue one was a bit different in that my under painting for the blue was shades of blue all the way across the pumpkin as if the bumps didn't exist. I used various shades of blue and to dull the blue I added very lightly soft siennas and blended to get closer to the color. 

Once I had that base color for the blue pumpkin in, I used several shades of brown from a light tan for the lighter areas to a dark brown and also my indigo blue in the shadow areas. I scribbled this on the pumpkin but I followed the curves with my chalk so it looks like it is a part of the  pumpkin. The lightest color is a soft orange color.

Keep painting and I will see you in class.

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