Friday, January 13, 2017

Winter 2017 Pastel Class

Winter 2017 Pastel Class Project: Atmospheric Perspective

Our first project will be one that will help you understand what is called "Atmospheric Perspective". If you are a landscape painter and you are trying to get more distance into your paintings this will be a valuable lesson.

You can use either one of the images below: Either the  wider angle or the cropped one, I will be working from the wider angle, I will also be using a golden, brown sanded paper though you may use any paper you want or is available to you. If you are not working on sanded paper be sure that you have Workable Fixative with you, you will need it as you build up layers. Also, be sure you have your gray scales with you because we will be using them on this project.

I look forward to getting started on the project the next time we meet. See you there.

Picture Page Link:

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